Why Creation Music Institute
Why Trinity
Trinity courses have been designed keeping in mind each and every age group of students.
There are various types of students learning music like some learning it as a hobby, some want to pursue it as a career; some prefer it as a form of meditation etc. Trinity syllabuses keep in mind the requirement of all such students.
Besides, they have kept in mind every age group of students.
There are students of different age groups who want to learn music. It is quite a big challenge to design a syllabus that satisfies the requirement of all of them. Trinity syllabuses have proved themselves even at this point. For kids and teenagers, they have provided Rock and Jazz pieces. For adults, they have placed pieces according to their requirement. For senior citizens, they have provided pieces that are easy to learn and have a calm mood.
What is the difference between Indian Classical and International Trinity syllabus?
Music is divided into two parts: one is LEAD and the other one is CHORDS (the background part of any piece). In the Indian Classical instrument i.e. Harmonium, only the lead playing is taught. But in Keyboard, lead and chords are given equal importance. Thus, Indian Classical syllabuses focus only on lead whereas the International syllabus focuses on all the areas of music simultaneously. For learning Sitar, Tabla, Mrudang etc. , it is appropriate to learn Indian Classical courses, but for learning Western instruments like Keyboard, Piano, Guitar etc. , learning International syllabus is appropriate.